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Manuscripts (1)
1Author:  Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882
 Naturalist. Darwin was independently wealthy and pursued much of his work at home, in Kent. His travels with the Beagle, 1831-1836, set the stage for his later studies in geology, zoology, and botany. Subsequent to the publication of The Origin of Species in 1859, he was made an honorary member (1861) of the London Ethnological Society. Darwin did not specifically write upon human evolution until the later 1860s, when The Descent of Man was composed (published 1871), followed in 1872 by Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. Both books were influential upon later writing and research in anthropology. 

 Title:  Charles Darwin Collection     
 Type:  Collection 
 Format:  Manuscripts 
 Language:  English 
 Dates:  1837-1882 
 Extent:  Approximately 950 items 
 Abstract:  The American Philosophical Society Library holds an extensive collection of Darwin letters, either in original or photo-copy form. The manuscript letter collection includes approximately 730 Darwin letters (B D25.m, B D25.L, B D25.L1, B D25.r, B D25.1-361). The large groups of letters are to Charles Lyell and to George Romanes. The Library also holds photocopy or microfilm copies of almost the entirety of Darwin's known surviving correspondence, listed in A Calendar of the Correspondence of Charles Darwin, 1821-1882, Frederick Burkhardt and Sidney Smith, editors, New York: Garland, 1985. Cambridge University Press is now publishing the letters in a multi-volume series. The correspondence most useful for studies in the history of anthropology includes the letters between Darwin and T.H. Huxley, Charles Lyell, George Rolleston, A.R. Wallace, Armand de Quatrefages, John Lubbock, Karl von Baer, E.B. Tylor, Herbert Spencer, H.W. Flower, and Francis Galton. 
 Source:  Charles Darwin Collection (B D25) 
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 Subjects:  Archaeology, prehistory | Cultural description and analysis, social organization and structure, ceremonial behavior, material culture | Physical studies -- Physical anthropology, medical anthropology, anthropometrics, craniology, race, human evolution